Friday, May 21, 2010


Hello readers! I am so sorry for the long delay in posting. This is the first day since Monday that I have been able to even sit up and be at my computer. I got a nasty viral stomach flu that lasted the ENTIRE week and medicine would do absolutely nothing. Now that it's over I have some catching up to do! First I would like to share these amazing crayon rings. They bring me back to my childhood as I sort of remember having something similar in my craft box. However I distinctly remember them to be animal crayons, like a purple hippopotamus crayon but each animal stuck on the end of your finger like a finger puppet. And while we're on the subject, why are cartoon hippopotamus's always purple? Happy Weekend!

P.S. What would you draw with some crayon rings?


  1. Crayon rings are too cute, I would doodle all day long! So sorry you've been under the weather, hope you are much better and enjoy your weekend!! xox

  2. I love these! Definitely the grown up version of this:



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